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Whole School Support Project for the Integration of Refugee Children

Whole School Support Project for the Integration of Refugee Children

Whole School Support Project for the Integration of Refugee Children

Whole School Support Project for the Integration of Refugee Children, project aiming to ease the integration of refugee children into their host society through education. Based in Turkey, the project is run in partnership with a Netherlands-based foundation with support from the Vehbi Koç Foundation, which acts as a local facilitator providing help with communication and delivery.

The first stage was a pilot study that aimed to ease integration of Syrian refugee children studying in Turkish state schools through providing information for teachers and parents as well as supporting students. The pilot project was carried out in Sultanbeyli, Istanbul by the Association for Positive Behavior Development (ODGEDER) with the support of the Sultanbeyli Municipality and District Directorate of National Education. The project included a template for building and strengthening student, teacher, parent, administrative and guidance services, together with surveys, polls and training seminars to help provide guidance and counseling to meet student needs.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.