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Sevgi-Erdoğan Gönül Education Park

Sevgi-Erdoğan Gönül Education Park

Sevgi-Erdoğan Gönül Education Park

Sevgi-Erdoğan Gönül Education Park, TEGV education park established in Şanlıurfa in line with Sevgi Gönül’s will and funded by the Vehbi Koç Foundation (VKV).

Set on grounds totaling 8,119 square meters in the Eyyüp Nebi District allocated to the TEGV by the Şanlıurfa Municipality free of charge for 30 years, the education park opened in October 2010, although official inauguration took place on April 5, 2011.Over 4,000 children benefit from the park that has an indoor space of 1,850 square meters. Built on two floors, it houses drama, dreams and inventor’s studios, activity, reading, computer and technology rooms, a library, a multi-purpose hall and offices. The outdoor area has basketball, volleyball and football fields, a children’s play area, an open-air chess board, a mini amphitheater and walkways. Education programs cover mathematics, science, reading, art and information technology, while short-term activities include hygiene and oral and dental health alongside club and school support programs.
Approximately 25,000 children have visited the park since its foundation.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.