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Vehbi Koç Foundation Publications

Vehbi Koç Foundation Publications

Vehbi Koç Foundation Publications

Vehbi Koç Foundation Publications, books published by the Vehbi Koç Foundation (VKV). The first book published by the VKV was Vehbi Koç’s autobiographic work entitled Hayat Hikâyem (My Life Story) in 1973. Over the years, this has been followed by other publications in the fields of autobiography, culture, art, history, and health. In addition, it has contributed to the preparation and printing of many special publications and exhibition catalogs in relevant subject areas. From 2012 onwards, the VKV has published its activity reports every year in February in Turkish and English under the name Vehbi Koç Vakfı Faaliyet Raporu/Vehbi Koç Foundation Annual Report.

Akman, Renan ve Tüzün, Gürel, Vehbi Koç Foundation Encyclopedia, 2019

Arsel, Semahat, Eskimeyen Tatlar: Türk Mutfak Kültürü/Timeless Tastes: Turkish Culinary Culture, 1996

Berker, Nadire ve Yalçın,Selim, Osman Cevdet Çubukçu: Tıbbiye'nin ve Bir Tıbbiyeli'nin Öyküsü (Medical Schools and the Story of a Medical Student), 2003

Birol, Leman et al., İç Hastalıkları Hemşireliği (Internal Diseases Nursing), 1989

Çeviker, Gülsevim, Amiral Bristol Hemşirelik Okulu 1920-1999 (The Story of the Admiral Bristol Nursing School 1920-1999), 2011

Dokur, Suna (ed.), Kırk Yıl Kitabı, 2009/Forty Year Book, 2010

Falconi, Ilaria and Kuneralp, Sinan, Palazzo Gamberini: Türkiye’nin Roma Büyükelçiliği/Palazzo Gamberini: Ambasciata di Turchia in Roma, 2013

Fuerest, Elinor V. et al., Hemşireliğin Temel İlkeleri (The Fundamentals of Nursing), 1979

Gönül, Sevgi, Sevgi’nin Diviti (From Sevgi’s Pen), 2011

Hofling, Charles K. et al., Hemşirelikte Ana Psikiyatrik Kavramlar (Core Psychiatric Concepts in Nursing), 1981

Karamani, Arzu and Öztuncay, Bahattin (ed.), Gün Işığında İstanbul’un 8000 Yılı: Marmaray, Metro, Sultanahmet Kazıları/In the Light of Day: 8000 Years of Istanbul through Marmaray, Metro, Sultanahmet Excavations, 2007

Koç, Vehbi, Hatıralarım Görüşlerim Öğütlerim, 1987/Recollections, Observations, Counsel, 1991

Koç, Vehbi, Hayat Hikâyem, 1973/My Life Story: The Autobiography of a Turkish Businessman, 1977

Kolay, Selçuk et al., Derinlerden Yansımalar: Çanakkale Savaşı Batıkları/Echoes From The Deep: Wrecks of the Dardanelles Campaign, 2013 (with the Aydın Şahenk Foundation)

Korre-Zogpraphou, Katerina, The Iznik Ceramics of the Monastery of Panaghia Panakhrantou, 2012

Ödekan, Ayla (ed.), “Kalanlar” - 12. ve 13. Yüzyıllarda Türkiye'de Bizans/”The Remnants” - 12th and 13th Centuries Byzantine Objects in Turkey, 2007

Öztuncay, Bahattin, Robertson, Osmanlı Başkentinde Fotoğrafçı ve Hakkâk-Ömer M. Koç Koleksiyonu/Robertson, Photographer and Engraver in the Ottoman Capital-Ömer M. Koç Collection, 2013

Öztuncay, Bahattin (ed.), I. Dünya Savaşı'nda İttifak Cephesinde Savaş ve Propaganda/Propaganda and War, The Allied Front during the First World War, 2015

Öztuncay, Bahattin, Bâki Muhabbet-Ömer M. Koç Koleksiyonu (Eternal Conversation-The Ömer M. Koç Collection), 2016

Öztuncay, Bahattin, Youssouf Bey, The Charged Portraits of Fin-de-Siècle Pera, Ömer M. Koç Collection, 2017

Turan, İlhami, Osmanlı Kıyafetleri: Fenerci Mehmed Albümü/Ottoman Costume Book: Fenerci Mehmed, 1986

Tüzün, Gürel, 
Vehbi Koç Anlatıyor - Bir Derleme, 2018

Üçok, Ayşe, Koç Ailesinin Yaşamı: Sadberk Hanım (Koç Family Life: Sadberk Hanım), 2006

Yıldırım, Nuran, Savaşlardan Modern Hastanelere Türkiye’de Hemşirelik Tarihi (From War to Modern Hospitals, The Story of Nursing in Turkey), 2014

Wieck, King, Hemşirelik Teknikleri El Kitabı (Nursing Methods Handbook), 1983

*The publications of organizations affiliated to the VKV are listed under their own entries.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.