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Idil Biret Documentary

İdil Biret Documentary, documentary made with sponsorship from the Vehbi Koç Foundation about the life and career of famous pianist İdil Beret. 

Production of the 56-minute documentary, İdil Biret: Portrait of a Child Prodigy, began in 2008 and was directed by Eytan İpeker. Together with İdil Biret’s personal archives, material was also researched from other personal and corporate archives in Australia, England, France and Turkey. The documentary included numerous previously unseen archive documents, images and recordings, as well as interviews with famous artists giving an insight into Biret’s artistic life. The documentary was first shown on April 8, 2016 at the Pera Museum as part of the 34th Istanbul Film Festival.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.