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World Monuments Fund Hadrian Award

World Monuments Fund Hadrian Award

World Monuments Fund Hadrian Award

World Monuments Fund Hadrian Award, prize established in 1988 by a New York-based international nonprofit organization, the World Monuments Fund. Founded for the protection of architecture and cultural heritage worldwide, the fund aims to encourage work in the field. The prize, awarded annually to those playing a leading role in the development and protection of art and architecture worldwide, takes its name from the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who carried out a number of important architectural projects during his rule, 117-138 BCE. In 2007, the prize was awarded to the Koç family in recognition for its contribution to the protection of Turkey’s rich cultural heritage and support given to culture and art through the Vehbi Koç Foundation

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.