Balbo, Marcello, İçduygu, Ahmet and Serrano, Julio Pérez (ed.), Countries of Migrants, Cities of Migrants, Isis Press, Istanbul, 2013
İçduygu, Ahmet (ed.), Kentler ve Göç: Türkiye, İtalya ve İspanya Örnekleri (Cities and Migration: Through the Examples of Turkey, Italy and Spain), Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2012
İçduygu, Ahmet and Kirişçi, Kemal (ed.), Land of Diverse Migrations: Challenges of Emigration and Immigration in Turkey, Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2009
İçduygu, Ahmet and Sert, Deniz (ed.), Borders Under Stress: The Cases of Turkey-EU and Mexico-USA Borders, Isis Press, Istanbul, 2012
İçduygu, Ahmet, Yükseker, Deniz and Aksel, Damla B. (ed.), Migration around Turkey: Old Phenomena, New Research, Isis Press, Istanbul, 2013
İçduygu, Ahmet and Karaçay, Ayşem Biriz (ed.), Critical Reflections in Migration Research: Views from the South and the North, Koç University Press, Istanbul, 2015
İçduygu, Ahmet and Göker, Gülru (ed.), Rethinking Migration and Integration: Bottom-up Responses to Neoliberal Global Challenges, Isis Press, Istanbul, 2015
Karaçay, Ayşem Biriz and Üstübici, Ayşen (ed.), Migration to and from Turkey: Changing Patterns and Shifting Policies, Isis Press, Istanbul, 2014
Karaçay, Ayşem Biriz, Sert, Deniz and Göker, Zeynep Gülru (ed.), Waves of Diversity: Socio-Political Implications of International Migration in Turkey, Isis Press, Istanbul, 2014
Pitkänen, Pirkko, İçduygu, Ahmet and Sert, Deniz (ed.), Migration and Transformation, Springer, New York, 2012
Sert, Deniz and Korfalı, Deniz Karcı (ed.), Migration and Turkey: Changing Human Geography, Isis Press, Istanbul, 2014
Şimşek, Doğuş, Ulusaşırı Kimlikler ve Londra’da yaşayan Kıbrıslı Türk, Kürt ve Türk Göçmen Çocukları (Transnational Identities and Turkish, Kurdish, and Turkish Cypriot Immigrant Children Living in London), Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2016
Some reports from MiReKoc
İçduygu, Ahmet, Turkey and International Migration. Report Prepared for the Annual Meeting of the OECD Expert Group on Migration, November 2013
İçduygu, Ahmet, Erder, Sema and Gençkaya, Ömer Faruk, Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Göç Politikaları, 1923-2023: Ulus-devlet Oluşumundan Ulus-Ötesi Dönüşümlere (Turkey's International Migration Policies, 1923-2023: From Nation-state Formation to Transnational Transformations), January 2014
Korfalı, Deniz Karcı, Üstübici, Ayşen and Clerck, Helene de, Turkey: Country and Research Areas Report, January 2014
Some MiReKoc conferences
Past and Present Research Methods in Turkey, January 5, 2013
The Metropolis-MiReKoc Academic Forum: Migration and Demographic Change: Causes and Consequences, March 18, 2013
The Turkish-Greek Compulsory Population Exchange in its 90th Year: New Approaches, New Findings, November 16-17, 2013
The MiReKoc 10th Year Symposium: Borders, Mobility and Diversity: Old Questions, New Challenges, November 20-21, 2014