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Boğaziçi European School of Politics

Boğaziçi European School of Politics, education program that brings together young people aged 25-35 from different regions of Turkey and with different political views, introducing them to European standards and institutions, the opportunity to debate different political alternatives and giving them the basic skills to realize their goals. It was founded in Istanbul in 2014 as part of the Council of Europe Schools of Political Studies network. The school works in collaboration with Boğaziçi University and has received support from the Vehbi Koç Foundation since 2017.

The program comprises an eight-day series of seminars presented twice a year (in summer and winter) by leading academics, experts and politicians from Turkey and across the world. Candidates who work or are keen to work in political parties, civil society organizations, or public institutions and organizations are given precedence during registration and a certificate of participation is awarded to students at the end of the program. Graduate gatherings and meetings with academics and experts are also organized in Istanbul and elsewhere with the aim of furthering dialogue with participants. Selected graduates carry out working visits to European countries and take part in the annual World Democracy Forum held in Strasbourg, France, in November every year.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.