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European Foundation Center (EFC)

European Foundation Center (EFC)

European Foundation Center (EFC)

European Foundation Center (EFC), international body that aims to support social change by strengthening links and collaboration between charitable organizations. It was established in Brussels in 1989 and its membership has now reached 200 leading philanthropic organizations from across the world. The center has five members operating in Turkey: Vehbi Koç Foundation (VKV), Anadolu Education and Social Assistance Foundation, Aydın Doğan Foundation, Sabancı Foundation and Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TÜSEV). In 2014, VKV was selected for the EFC General Assembly and Annual Conference Committee as well as the Grantmakers East Forum (GEF) Committee. The annual Grantmakers East Forum was held in Istanbul in 2015 with the theme of “Creating Equal Opportunities: Overcoming Divides.” 

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.