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TEMA, TÜRKIYE EROZYONLA MÜCADELE, AĞAÇLANDIRMA VE DOĞAL VARLIKLARI KORUMA VAKFI (TURKISH FOUNDATION FOR COMBATING SOIL EROSION, FOR REFORESTATION AND THE PROTECTION OF NATURAL HABITATS), non-governmental organization aiming to protect Turkey’s nature from soil erosion in particular. Its principal objectives include combating soil erosion as well as reforestation and protection of natural habitats.

Its formation in 1992 by Hayrettin Karaca, the founder of the Karaca Arboretum, and Tekfen Holding’s founding partner Nihat Gökyiğit, was supported by Vehbi Koç. The Vehbi Koç Foundation (VKV) joined TEMA in reforestation projects from 1992 onwards and became a regular donor in 2001. All founding costs of the Fatih Woodland TEMA Vehbi Koç Nature and Culture Center in Otağtepe, Kavacık, Istanbul were also met by the VKV.

TEMA was founded in September 1992 after the first Earth Summit held in June earlier that year in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; its principal purpose was to raise social awareness of the danger of erosion and desertification that threatens Turkey's environment and to ensure that this struggle becomes an official policy. Its slogan “Don’t Let Turkey Become a Desert” successfully raised public awareness around the country. Since that date TEMA has been fighting desertification as well as carrying out reforestation, carbon capture, biological diversity conservation, rural development and climate-related projects. It also conducts awareness raising and education programs aimed at pupils of all ages from elementary through to high schools.

In 2012, TEMA won the inaugural Land for Life Award presented by the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.