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Öztuncay, Bahattin

Öztuncay, Bahattin

Öztuncay, Bahattin

Öztuncay, Bahattin (b. August 19, 1958), writer, curator, arts and culture consultant and manager. He has been an arts and culture consultant at Koç Holding Energy Group and Aygaz since 2002 and general coordinator of Arter since 2009.

Öztuncay completed his secondary education at St George’s Austrian High School in 1977 and graduated from Vienna University of Technology Faculty of Engineering with a master’s degree in 1984. His interest in the photographic history of the Ottoman period and Istanbul began during his student days in Vienna. His first book on the subject, James Robertson, Pioneer of Photography in the Ottoman Empire, was published in 1992. In 1993, he was chosen as a corresponding member of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain in appreciation of his work on photographic history. His biographical study, Vasilaki Kargopulo, Photographer to His Majesty the Sultan was published in 1999, and his two volume book, The Photographers of Constantinople, featuring the biographies and selected photos of national and international photographic artists, was published in 2003. In 2004, he collated the book, Hatıra-i Uhuvvet (Memories of Friendship), which contained portraits of leading personalities of the Ottoman and Republican eras along with their signatures and dedications. In 2011, his book Dynasty and Camera, Portraits from the Ottoman Court, containing selected photos from the collections of Ömer M. Koç, was published. Öztuncay has curated and collated catalogs for several exhibitions at ANAMED and the Sadberk Hanım Museum. He is also a member of the European Society for the History of Photography and sits on the board of directors of the Geyre Foundation.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.