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Yılmazyavuz, (Timur) Cengiz

Yılmazyavuz, (Timur) Cengiz

Yılmazyavuz, (Timur) Cengiz

Yılmazyavuz, (Timur) Cengiz (b. December 1, 1967, Ereğli, Zonguldak), operations engineer and director. He served as deputy general director at the American Hospital between 2002 and 2018.
After completing his secondary education at Beşiktaş Anatolian High School in Istanbul in 1984, Yılmazyavuz studied at the Department of Industrial Engineering at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), graduating in 1988. He also completed a master’s degree in industrial engineering at the ITU Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology in 1991. He served as assistant audit coordinator at Koç Holding (1989–2000), and as assistant general manager at Mako AŞ, a Koç Holding company (2000–02). Yılmazyavuz took on the role of deputy general director of the American Hospital in 2002, leaving this position in 2018.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.