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Adventure İstiklal Contemporary Art Exhibition Series

Adventure İstiklal Contemporary Art Exhibition Series

Adventure İstiklal Contemporary Art Exhibition Series

Adventure İstiklal Contemporary Art Exhibition Series, contemporary art exhibitions held in the Yapı Kredi Kâzım Taşkent Art Gallery between 2007 and 2010.

Curated by René Block with the consultancy of Melih Fereli, the project encompassed 11 exhibitions of works by artists who were influential on the contemporary art scene in Turkey. The Contemporary Art in Turkey Monograph Series , containing monographs of artists who have taken part in the project, was published by Yapı Kredi Culture Arts and Publishing in parallel with the exhibitions.

Exhibitions held under the heading “Adventure İstiklal”
Lâhavle (April 5–May 5, 2007)
Hale Tenger
Erratum Musicale (September 7–October 6, 2007)
Füsun Onur

sineması/cineması (October 26–November 25, 2007)
Gülsün Karamustafa

Ups and Downs (May 16–July 15, 2008)
Ayşe Power

I’m not sure if this is an exhibition (September 18–October 5, 2008)
Halil Altındere

Elina Brotherus (October 11–November 29, 2008)
Elina Brotherus

What time is it? (December 18, 2008–January 31, 2009)
Cengiz Çekil

Collective Notice (May 15–July 31, 2009)
Nasan Tur 

Olga Çernişeva (September 9–October 11, 2009)
Olga Çernişeva

Passengers (May 13–June 20, 2010)
Esra Ersen

An Icon (September 3–October 20, 2010)
Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.