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Teachers Network Project

Teachers Network Project, a project aiming to increase the quality of education and student success rates in Turkey by creating an environment of sharing and cooperation in which teachers gather with their colleagues, persons or institutions from different disciplines to empower.
The network is based on the transformation theory developed by the “Teachers Research”, which was carried out by the Vehbi Koç Foundation (VKV) in collaboration with ATÖLYE and the Education Reform Initiative (ERG) between September 2014 and April 2015. This work involved educational stakeholders, civil society groups, persons and institutions from different disciplines.The project was supported by VKV, together with the following five leading foundations in Turkey: AÇEV, Aydın Doğan Foundation, Enka Foundation, Mehmet Zorlu Foundation and the Sabancı Foundation. The pilot stage was planned with a seven-year lifespan and the first stage finished in December 2017. The developed network model has been implemented since January 2018.

The basic approach of the Teachers Network is to empower teachers by giving support in an interactive environment able to meet their personal and professional needs. Within its scope, the project create opportunities for teachers to explore their interests and to use their know-how and competences. The project also provides tools and methods that teachers can flourish from different disciplines. The network develops solutions by using innovative methods including face to face as well as digital environments, for the needs of teachers and other stakeholders in education. At the same time, Teachers Network is an important tool for sharing teachers’ success stories and solutions, both in and out of the school environment. 

For further information about the Teachers Network, please visit the website:

For further information about ATÖLYE, please visit the website:

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.