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Koç University First Aid Education Center (KUİYEM)

Koç University First Aid Education Center (KUİYEM)

Koç University First Aid Education Center (KUİYEM)

Koç University First Aid Education Center (KUİYEM), an education center founded as part of Koç University School of Nursing on April 7, 2010 to meet the need for first aid training, especially among the general workforce. The center aims to train people to deliver correct and informed first aid, leading courses such as “Basic First Aid Training”, “First Aid Training Refresher”, “First Aid Seminars” and “Preparing for Disasters”. As well as providing first aid seminars to companies and institutions on request, it also arranges first aid awareness courses aimed at high schools and equivalent in partnership with Beylikdüzü Municipality.

KUİYEM has been based on the Koç University Health Sciences Campus since 2016. 

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.