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Orbis, international, non-profit organization dedicated to preventing blindness and treating eye diseases in developing countries. The Vehbi Koç Foundation has provided periodic support to Orbis since 1982 by providing research and education scholarships to relevant health staff.

From its establishment in 1982 until the present day, Orbis has contributed to the treatment of 23.3 million patients with eye diseases and furthered the training of 325,000 medical professionals in 92 countries. Based in New York, its best known program, known as the Flying Eye Hospital, is located in a DC-10 jet plane. This traveling hospital accommodates a center for eye disease treatment and training, providing both education for medical professionals in the areas it visits and free treatments to patients.

In some countries, Orbis has created local treatment and education programs in specific hospitals. Its Cybersight program aims to establish an online communication network among health professionals treating eye diseases.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.