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Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital Vehbi Koç Emergency Medical Center

Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital Vehbi Koç Emergency Medical Center

Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital Vehbi Koç Emergency Medical Center

Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital Vehbi Koç Emergency Medical Center, medical institution operating in the Üsküdar district of Istanbul. It is one of the main projects in the health sector to receive regular financial support from the Vehbi Koç Foundation (VKV), which helps with building construction and repairs, purchasing medical equipment and other matters. 
In 1983, at the request of Vehbi Koç,  the VKV took action to establish a permanent facility to provide health services in the event of traffic accidents. A committee from Houston Methodist Hospital in the USA compiled an analysis report on the issue and the decision was taken to collaborate with Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital. VKV covered the construction costs for the center, which opened in 1985 with the name Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Vehbi Koç Foundation Traffic Accident and Primary Care Treatment Facility. In 1993, the center was renovated and extended by VKV. In 2001, the center was renovated once again with the help of a large investment from VKV and, in 2002, it reopened as Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Vehbi Koç Emergency Medical Center. In 2006, the Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Emergency Medical Clinic began operating from here. In 2015, extensive alteration works were carried out to increase capacity at the center.
The clinic, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, deals with 500 people every day, and is also an education and research center.

Abadan Unat, Nermin

Political scientist who received the Vehbi Koç Award for education in 2012.