Vehbi Koç on the Family Committee...
I was driven to set up the FAMILY COMMITTEE in 1972 by my experiences talking to global companies and families and my subsequent observation that families, companies and peoples unravel because of inner conflicts that arise between their members. I served as chair until March 1984 and worked extremely hard to ensure the committee functioned smoothly. In setting up the committee, my aim was to create a space where matters concerning the family and the wider Koç Community could be discussed, along with various other issues, between either my children and I or just between the children; I wanted decisions to be agreed on or decided by majority and then complied with by all. I left the committee in March 1984 and Semahat Arsel is currently serving as chair. The FAMILY COMMITEE is still running, although not exactly in the form I had wished.
Vehbi Koç, Hatıralarım Görüşlerim Öğütlerim (Recollections, Observations, Counsel), Vehbi Koç Vakfı Yayınları, Istanbul, 1987, p. 16