Suna Kıraç’s vision for education
I want to re-emphasize this, that education means broad horizons, vision, self-confidence, efficiency and quality. So, keeping up or catching up with the times can only be achieved with well-educated clear heads. A modern national education policy, which is well laid-out and where every precaution has been taken is, necessary. It is the only way that Turkey’s young generations can be raised well, and that Atatürk’s principles and reforms can be maintained.
It is said that America will have three important sectors in the twenty-first century: education, health, and communication and the media. If we look at it from this perspective, both the state and the private sector must set aside funds for education. Expecting education from the state is not the right approach. Within the education policy drawn up by the state, education must be privatized as far as possible and become monetized. It is impossible for serious educational institutions to be for-profit. Education and health are systems that develop every moment, and like an endless well they swallow up every penny in order to keep up with the times. The cost of education is very high: I believe—and I cannot think otherwise—that this cost should be taken from those who can afford it and those who cannot should be given scholarships for the opportunity of a quality education.
Suna Kıraç, Ömrümden Uzun İdeallerim Var (My Ideals, Longer Than My Lifetime), Suna ve İnan Kıraç Vakfı Yayınları, Istanbul, 2006, p. 203